Past Highlights
- Extended Growing Seasons Were Demonstrated Woody Plants For Warmer Future Climates
- North American Carbon Program (NACP) Regional Interim Synthesis: Terrestrial Biospheric Model Intercomparison
- Final FACE Harvest Reveals Increased Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage Under Elevated [CO2]
- Improving the Fundamental Equation of eddy Covariance for Application to Flux Measurements
- Observations Reveal Local Deforestation-Driven Cooling in Mid- to High Latitudes
- Analysis of Soil Carbon Stocks Across Significant Regional Climate Gradients Clarifies Their Potential for Change
- Ecological Lessons From Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Experiements
- Advancing the Use of Minirhizotrons in Wetlands
- Numerical Model Simulates Heat Transfer in Sapwood: Evaluation of Thermal Dissipation Probes and Water Use Estimates in Trees
- Coupling of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Appalachian Streams: the Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
- The Impact of Climate, CO2, Nitrogen Deposition and Land Use Change on Simulated Contemporary Global River Flow
- Litterfall 15N Abundance Indicates Declining Soil N Availability in a Free Air CO2-Enrichment Experiment
- Elevated CO2 Enhances Leaf Senescence During Extreme Drought in a Temperate Forest
- Ecohydrologic Impact of Reduce Stomatal Conductance in Forests Exposed to Elevated CO2
- Net Mineralization of N at Deeper Soil Depths as a Potential Mechanism for Sustained Forest Production Under Elevated [CO2]
- Climate Change Alters Seedling Emergence and Establishment in an Old-Field Ecosystem
- A Method for Experimental Heating of Intact Soil Profiles for Application to Climate Change Experiments
- Streams and Rivers Receiving Nitrogen Inputs from Human Activities are a Source of N2O to Atmosphere
- Reliable Methods were Developed for the Estimation of Biochemical Parameters for Photosynthesis within Carbon Cycle Models
- DOE's Enriched Background Isotope Study Data Improved a Classic Ecosystem Carbon Cycling Model for Application to Forest Ecosystems
- CO2 Enhancement of Forest Productivity Constrained by Limited Nitrogen Availability
- Climate change effects on plant biomass alter dominance patterns and community evenness in an experimental old-field ecosystem
- 40-Year Record of Tree Growth and Succession Clarifies Climate Sensitivity of Eastern Forests
- Forest Responses to Climate Change: Photosynthetic Temperature Optima Adjust to Warming
- Geospatial Resolution of Cropland Carbon Fluxes in the United States Were Improved Using Inventory-Based Carbon Accounting
- Recent Leaf-Litter-Derived Carbon Is Not a Major Source for Mineral Soil Microbial Communities
- Nutrient Dynamics in Streams
- Soil Ecosystem Functioining Under Climate Change: Shifts in Plant Community Composition Matter!
- CO2 Enrichment Accelerates Successional Development of an Understory Plant Community
- 40-Year Record of Tree Growth and Succession Clarifies Climate Sensitivity of Eastern Forests
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory Uncertainties Need Characterization
- Missing Links in the Root-Soil Organic Matter Continuum
- Scientific American Article Highlights Global Change Experiments to a Worldwide Audience
- Soil Microbial Community Responses to Multiple Experimental Climate Change Drivers
- Afforestation Alters the Composition of Functional Genes in Soil and Biogeochemical Processes
- Cumulative Effects of Decadal CO2 Enrichment on Forest Soil Microbial Processes and Communities
- A Unique Regional 14C-tracer Allowed the Differential Characterization of the Carbon Sources for Above and Below Ground Plant Tissues
- Leaf Litter Carbon Transfers to Humus and Mineral Soils Show Dynamic Intra-Annual Patterns of Storage and Release Leading to Minimal Net Storage
- Patterns of Fossil-based CO2 Emissions from US Croplands
- The Global Carbon Balance for 2008
- Unexpected Effect of Climate Change: Stream Ecosystem Responses to the 2007 Spring Freeze
- Unique Radiocarbon Data Allow the Development of New Understanding and Models of Root Growth
- Implications of a Disconnect in the Carbon Cycle for Forest Soil Carbon Sequestration
- Nitrogen Fixation Controls Old-field Ecosystem Response in a Multi-Factor Climate Change Experiment
- The Interactive Effects of Multifactor Global Change Were Evaluated for a Range of Ecosystems
- Recovery of Soil Carbon Stocks on Disturbed Coastal Plain Soils Through Secondary Forest Succession
- CO2 Enrichment Increases Carbon and Nitrogen Input from Fine Roots in a Deciduous Forest
- A New Data Analysis Method Identifies True Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration
- Long-Term Measurements of Forest Soil Ca and Mg Decline with Vegetation Uptake and Leaching
- Precipitation Change Effects Evaluated For Seven Ecosystems With Distinctive Vegetation and Hydrology