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The LID Concept

Low Impact Development (LID) is an innovative approach that uses concepts aligned with nature to achieve stormwater management goals.  Advanced technologies are applied in an effort to better balance growth with conservation, ecosystem protection, public health and general quality of life.  The LID approach seeks to mimic predevelopment flow patterns by using design techniques that allow for the proper infiltration, filtering, storage, evaporation and detainment of runoff.  LID is aimed at addressing stormwater management at the localized level, and avoiding the concept of draining water from large areas to a centralized location. 

At Fort Stewart

This is achieved with the implementation of landscape features at the lot level. These landscape features are known as Integrated Management Practices (IMPs). These concepts can be applied to urban settings in a variety of applications, including rooftops, streets, parking lots, sidewalks and medians. LID is an economical approach in that it is achieved using less infrastructure and site preparation work. This means less clearing, grading, piping and paving. The minimal infrastructure requirements of the LID approach leads to lower lifetime costs over conventional methods, with the elimination of massive culvert and piping systems that typically require ongoing maintenance and repair to remain effective. 

The LID concept provides important storm water control benefits, such as groundwater recharge and cleaner streams. The implementation of these techniques also results in an increase in green open space, reduction in pavement that can create “heat islands”, improvement in air quality, reduction in thermal stream pollution and improved aesthetics. The LID technologies are aimed at integrating the urban environment into the overall ecosystem, and at maintaining or restoring the hydrological and ecological functions of the watershed. 

Lid Approach


Preserve native trees, vegetation, and soils while maintaining natural hydrology including streams and wetlands.

Hydrologic analysis

Define watershed and delineate storm areas; evaluate models and encourage Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Site Design and Planning

Mimic predevelopment flow patterns and ensure design and plans protect watersheds

Erosion and Sediment Control

Planning, scheduling, control measures and maintenance


Define proram objectives and develop materials and educate facilities.


LID Applications at Fort Stewart

Antiquated and malfunctioning drainage systems at Fort Stewart have resulted in flooding problems in many areas of the facility. These problems are compounded by the recent growth of Fort Stewart, with the construction of new buildings and other facilities. The upgrade of stormwater flow systems is an important part of the infrastructure modernization required to keep pace with the expansion and success of the mission at the post. New technologies are now being applied in concert with conventional methods to provide low maintenance alternatives to handling stormwater drainage. These alternatives have an added benefit to the environment by working more closely with the natural landscape. This results in more efficient drainage and infiltration, while also improving the aesthetics of the facility. Fort Stewart is integrating these LID concepts into landscape designs around buildings with the use of various landscaping tools to improve drainage and decrease flooding in localized areas. These concepts are also being applied to drainage systems that include streams and creeks, to improve flow and to provide a more natural environment for aquatic life. Drainage system improvements at Fort Stewart are aimed at eliminating obstructions to flow and improving water quality. Infrastructure improvements and creation of more natural stream corridors are used to accomplish this goal.